Monday, 23 December 2019

Five tips to increase testosterone

The shortage of testosterone can cost you your life. We already knew about its relationship with muscle loss, bone density and sexual appetite, but recent research shows that it can also cause a higher incidence of prostate cancer, coronary heart disease and even death remedio natural para impotencia.

Follow these 5 steps to increase your resources and extend life.

As your waist increases, your testosterone decreases. In fact, an increase of 4 points in your body mass index, approximately 13 kilos more in a man of 1.70 meters high, can accelerate the onset of testosterone loss in 10 years. To have things clear when it comes to dieting and thus optimize weight loss, check out this note.

Finnish researchers have recently discovered that men who lift weights experience a 49% increase in their free testosterone levels. "As you strengthen your muscles, the amount of testosterone produced by the body increases," says David Zava, director of the study. You only need to sweat the fat drop and lift weights a few times a week to notice the benefit.

Limiting the consumption of toast with jam and butter can help you with your diet, but eliminating any trace of fat will plunge testosterone levels. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine reveals that men who consume more fat also have the highest levels of testosterone. To protect your heart and your T, consume foods rich in monounsaturated fats such as fish and nuts.

Cups can wreak havoc on your hormones. In a recent Dutch study, those men who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol every day for 3 weeks experienced a 7% decrease in their testosterone levels. Limit alcohol consumption to one or two reeds or a glass of wine at night.

Mental or physical stress can quickly depress your testosterone levels. Stress causes the appearance of cortisol, which eliminates the body's ability to produce testosterone. Cardio is a good remedy. Without excesses, of course. Always keep in mind that injuries and fatigue are symptoms that your training, instead of increasing T levels, is decreasing them.

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