Monday, 19 October 2020

5 tricks to lose weight fast after vacation excesses

Holidays are to be enjoyed and, although it is not a plan to skip the diet at all hours, summer whims and temptations are present at many times. If you have gained some weight this vacation, we suggest five infallible tricks to get rid of them in record time keto tortilla recipe.


Reset your body

Okay, there is no going back, you have gone over the diet this summer and it is time to give your body a break. Start with a cleansing diet based on foods that help drain fluids such as asparagus, mushrooms, pineapple, or green leafy vegetables.

Avoid alcohol and bet on green smoothies, infusions such as horsetail, fennel or green tea and sign up for intermittent fasting at least in its 16/8 version , that is, eat within 8 hours and do not eat food (except water) in the other 16 hours. This purifying reset will help you deflate and eliminate fluids, toxins and waste substances more easily, it is the best start to regain your weight.


Take more protein

Proteins are essential to maintain good muscle health and are also satisfying and will control your cravings for food. Proteins need more energy to digest so you will burn more calories (which is called thermogenesis) and you will also keep your metabolism active.

Increase the proteins in your diet this rentrée to accelerate weight loss , for example change your bar with tomato and oil for a salad of cooked egg, avocado and baby spinach or for a mushroom omelette, you will feel more satiated and you will not feel the need to snack throughout the morning.


Combine cardio with strength exercises

It is the perfect tandem to lose weight quickly and tone the body. The combination of cardio and strength exercises is the best option to avoid neglecting any of the body's needs. Cardio exercises such as running, dancing, cycling or the elliptical at the gym will increase your heart rate and work large groups of muscles, strength exercises perform more intense work and strengthen muscles by increasing resistance. In short, if you only do cardio you can lose weight but you will not be able to tone it, however combining it with strength exercises you will achieve both

Do at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3 times a week and combine them with strength exercises such as exercises with resistance bands, push-ups, kettlebells, squats, weights ... You will achieve great results in a very short time.


Join the 'real food' movement

Eliminate refined flours, ultra-processed foods, sodas and sugars from your diet and say hello to real food on your table. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, meat, eggs, fish ... everything that you can see perfectly what food is and that does not come packaged and with a long list of ingredients on its label.

Just by leaving the refined flours you will quickly notice a drop in weight and volume. Eat healthy and forget about all those foods loaded with additives and preservatives that do not do you any good and do not let you lose weight.


Drink lots of water and rest

It seems like the eternal advice but it is that drinking water is very important to lose weight, as well as ensuring a good rest.

Drinking water helps you eliminate toxins and purify yourself so do not forget to drink at least 1.5L to 2L daily, if you do not like drinking water much you can infuse fruits or vegetables such as pineapple, ginger, cucumber, raspberries or peppermint.

Sleeping helps you control hormonal levels, making the hormones involved in appetite and hunger stable, this will prevent you from overeating and having anxiety about food. Not sleeping well makes you fat.

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